All what you want to know about #Suez #canal infographics by Amr Elsawy.. exclusive for Al-Ahram newspaper #مصربتفرح-------كل ما تريد أن تعرفه عن #قناة #السويس... إنفوجرافيك بجريدة الاهرام
Drugs in Egypt according to the official statistics, Prices of each kind and Number of accused dealers "By: Amr Elsawy"انفوجرافيك عن المخدرات في مصر، يسلط الضوء عن أنواع المخدرات والكميات المضبوطة وأعداد القضايا والمتهمين بالإضافة لأسعار الأنواع…
AL-AHRAM _ Egypt _ data mining Ahmed Alhawary graphic designing Amr Elsawy)نسخة عالية الجودةداعشالوجه الأقبح للإرهاباعرف عدوك .. لتهزمهكل ما تريد معرفته عن داعش .. فى إنفوجراف واحدتصميم : عمرو الصاوى Infographics Amrإعداد: أحمد هوارى Ahmed…
(AL-AHRAM _ Egypt _ data mining Nermin Kotb.. graphic designing Amr Elsawy)Infographics for Al-Ahram newspaper about the worst roads in Egypt and statistics from 2012 about accidents on these roads
(AL-AHRAM _ Egypt _ data mining Nermin Kotb.. graphic designing Amr Elsawy)New infographics for Al-Ahram newspaper about the worst roads in Egypt with statistics for the accidents on these roads (part one)
Inhabited area in Egypt is only 7.8% from the whole area of the country ... Sinai and the new valley (52%) of Egypt's area is the future to escape from the crowd...New infographics for AL-Ahram newspaper
Triple of death in Egypt:Cancer .. Hepatitis .. Kidney failurestatistics about the health situation in Egypt ... published at AL-AHRAM daily newspaper with a full page story.
This infographics zooms on 24 Innovation in the field of home devices, gardens and swimming pools technologies, and the technologies related to wall painting, and important tips to save power and money, it is designed to be published on 4 pages "one…