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Christopher Ream posted an image
Perhaps the biggest jobs break for the Beaver Valley since the steel industry moved out in the mid-80s. Shell Oil has tentative plans to build an ethane cracker plant in our backyard. Didn't hold back today on an inside cover and two others inside.
Mar 16, 2012
Christopher Ream posted an image
Paterno dies. My exec editor said to do a poster front, and I had already thought about doing this on the way to work. I wanted to stay with white and blue (reflecting the simple uniforms he championed) and boil down JoePa's legendary image, having…
Jan 23, 2012
Christopher Ream posted an image
We do billboard presentations on A1 every day now. In lieu of decent main art, I cooked up this teaser. Too bad I didn't wait a few hours for the Jonger to kick off.
Dec 19, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Another miserable day on Wall Street. Pass the Pepto. Anyway, didn't want to run a straight-up fever chart or anguished trader, so I came up with the Aug. 8-ball. Amused myself, hopefully a reader or two ...
Aug 9, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Local industry museum; showing some of the pieces and from where they came in the county.
Jul 29, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Ooh-wee-ooh, looks just like Buddy Holly. Was sucking wind for art, so I duded up a promo to a review of a cool sounding album that multiple generations could like.
Jun 29, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Had a wholelotta nothing for A1 art. Somebody robbed a power substation of copper wire (and caused a blackout) to get a few bucks. So, I created an illustration.
Jun 23, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Illustration for a Sunday feature about online services offering cloud network music storage; some of it for free, some not. Lede of story dealt with the Beatles, so I tried a sort of nuevo psychedelic/surrealist style. It was fun.
Jun 20, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Unusual suspects illustration. Done in haste, but it was fun. Thanks for Larry Howsare for his assist getting started.
Jun 6, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
We have a nuke plant just up the road. Japan sparked a lot of questions about our safety. So, I've grown tired of running photos of cooling towers and tried something different. I really wish those ads weren't on the page, but what can I do about…
Mar 30, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
No art for local stuff again, so I rolled my own. To me different is good; so that's what I tried to do with a wide-ranging budget-cut-pain package.
Mar 14, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Mar 8, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Presidents Day feature; who has the naming rights in our coverage area; there was a promo and intro on A1.
Feb 21, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Wasn't sure we were going to get a verdict that night, so I cooked up the bball promo.
Feb 16, 2011
Christopher Ream posted images
Jan 31, 2011
Christopher Ream posted an image
Jan 27, 2011