Part Five of the Houston Chronicle’s epic 11-part series commemorating the first moon landing focused on the “right stuff” guys — the members of the astronaut corps. I’ve seen lists and I’ve seen the group photos NASA released when each group was introduced to the public. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mass listing in one place: Names, faces, on which vehicles they flew and when. I really, really want to see a graphic like that. Therefore, it’s up to me to build it. I wish you could see the color version — I hand-toned all 73 of those photos for color. Sigh. Oh, and the shaded ones were the six that walked on the moon. This entire thing was about a page and a half, running on facing two-thirds of a page. The timeline showing all the astronaut classes ran along the bottom of those pages. Jump ran down the sides.

MAY 5, 2019

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