Focus: Under fire

This date was the 101st anniversary of when Teddy Roosevelt was shot before making a campaign speech in Milwaukee. With a bunch of JFK stuff right around the corner -- and because Roosevelt, miraculously, wasn't seriously harmed -- I thought it might be interesting to take a look at 15 notable attempts on the lives of U.S. presidents. The Teddy tale is remarkable in itself -- I ran it down the left side, along with pictures from the Library of Congress showing bullet holes in Roosevelt's speech and the slug lodged between his ribs -- but these other stories are fascinating. The first president to come under attack was Andrew Jackson in 1835. The shooter's TWO guns misfired, but by then Jackson had counterattacked with his cane. Bystanders had to pull him away before he beat his attacker to death. And the stories just get wilder. A must-read. Oct. 14, 2013.

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