This Infographic is made to increase awareness about workplace safety. The employees that get injured at workplace are categoriesed by their status, sex and race or ethnic origin. next given is the impact of workplace injury & illness on family. it also gives a brief differences on top 5 industries for total workplace fatalities in 1992 & 2009 Vs. 2010.
graphics (12)
This Infographic shows cybercrime, censorship and snooping - the topmost concern of people using the internet. It also shows the countries that censor internet the most, top 10 hacking activities, 5 biggest thefts and countries that have the highest usage of Wi-Fi hotspot. This infographic also shows the solution given by VPN industries to these problems.
This infographic is made to show how social media has an influence on business. It shows the study of approx how much time people spend online and social media usage per landscape.
Fernando Baptista, the master of infographics from National Geographic Magazine will hold a workshop in Dubai to share his knowledge and experience on Inforgraphics. The workshop is open for all professionals interested to learn the best of informational graphics practices.
When: workshop 23-24 October 2015 and 25 Oct. – the conference
Where: Dubai Knowledge Village
In this workshop you will learn:
1- The key for a good graphic. How detect it, when we can do a graphic.
2- Designing a complex graphic. Simplicity always is better, selection of the information.
3- The principal element and secondary element in our graphic. The hierarchy in the graphic and distribution of the elements.
4- Different techniques to produce the art of our graphics. Hand drawing, computer, sculpture…
5- The process to make a graphic using a sculpture.
6- The way to integrate the parts of our graphic. Tips to make look better the graphic.
Grab this unique opportunity.
If you are a graphic designer who is just starting his freelance career and making a single project takes you days, you better read along because this post is about to reveal the top secret art websites every designer should use.
Geometric Shapes:
In the past few years, along with the Metro Style, there has been a new trend on the visual market covering all spheres of the art world.
From fashion to pure hand-crafting, geometrical shapes seem to have conquered the global graphics market. Making the perfect triangular texture is quite difficult, if you don't have the right tools in hand. Illustrator and Photoshop might be your best friends when it comes to designing your raster or vector project, still the Triangles Github project of Maksim Surguy will take your geometric pieces to the next level.
Mock-Up Graphics:
I've spent hours upon hours in search for the perfect HERO image or mock-up PSD for my print designs.
Little did I know there is an online tool to answer all my design prayers. MockupEverything is a premium free online app which will help you mockup just about anything. Books, magazines, T-shirts and all sorts of devices can be the canvas of your new project. The tool has a free and paid version which allows you full access to customization options for only $12 a month.
UIfest Creativity Bundle:
If MockupEverything hasn't got what you need, you should definitely check out UIfest.
Wrapped up in a gorgeous design, the UIfest website comprises everything a graphics designer needs in its first months. No, we are not talking about design tutorials, but rather a complete collection of PSD and AI files from icons to backgrounds and shapes all free for both personal and commercial use. Featuring a one-of-a-kind DIY HERO image bundle, this design hub will most definitely become one of your favorites with lots more resources coming along.
The Lazy Designer's Hub:
I'm gonna share a secret with you and I bet you've probably thought about it either, but never had the courage to try it out yourself.
When you are pushed by deadlines or are just too lazy to take upon the project yourself, there is an easy and relatively cheap way to deal with the situation. Fiverr and lots of sites like it, which have popped up on the web market in the past few years give you the perfect opportunity not only to sell your work, but buy yourself time, on a quite competitive price. Just like carpet & upholstery cleaning companies provide service which saves customers time and efforts on a job they could often do themselves, hiring a designer for a small project could help you keep up with the sleep or meetup with friends for a cup of coffee. For just $5, you could get that Logo done in an hour, spruce it up according to your client's taste and forget about your troubles.
So I've been coding my buns off lately.
I feel like I'm lost in coding Wonderland. I haven't encountered the Mad Hatter yet. Just CMS-es that eat CSS.
I'm definitely still not a code expert.
But in the last 24 hours, I've published this piece, created new ad spots for my student paper's website and worked on this ongoing project.
Just a quick breakdown of these tasks ...

The story is about Jolly Blackburn, a man who creates comics about playing "Dungeons and Dragons" based on his time at Ball State. When I read it, I loved the story, but saw definite need for elements to help break it up.
I emailed Blackburn to ask him if he could illustrate a few scenes from the story. I wanted people to see his work, but I also thought it would be totally meta if he illustrated himself for a Ball State student media story about him creating a comic based on himself and his friends during their time at Ball State.
You follow that? DiCaprio is staring in the movie about it all.
I was able to tweak the template (for lack of a better word) that I had created a while back, so it all went relatively smoothly.
The downside? It exists outside our student media website's CMS. So I had to input all text, photos, etc. manually. Totally inefficient. Definitely motivating me to learn PHP and other server-side languages.

PRETTY PLEASE click the image to see the real ad. This static thing does not do it justice.
This is a fake advertisement I created for article pages on One of my projects for next year is to help link advertising and editorial a little more effectively.
Thanks Vox Media, for introducing me to this style of ad. (Tangent, I'll be interning there this summer, and I could not be more stoked. I'm positive I'll learn a lot.)

This bit of nonsense is the development of a project in one of my classes. Using an abundance of multimedia, my instructor told my classmates to document student life at Ball State on the weekend.
I get the pleasure of piecing it all together. The content is not yet in, so I am working on creating frameworks that I or my peers can edit with relative ease.
Again, a huge challenge is that I'm not working with a CMS here. I wish I would have had the foresight to learn Tarbell for this.
My life ... would have been so much easier ...
One of the challenges is that I'm working with designers who don't have too much code experience, but who want to help. So I'm creating a bunch of classes (probably more than necessary) so they essentially have a library to work with in helping me construct this.
I hope to publish the finished product by April 21.
In other news, I won first place in the SND Mizzou contest's infographics category for the piece below.

Obviously, that's a huge honor, and I'm absolutely thrilled. My staff won several other awards, and my friend, Emily Theis, won third for student designer of the year.
I'm also about a third finished with an online course I'm trying to design to help journalists learn how to scrape data. It's a huge, challenging undertaking. But I'm working with Dr. Adam Kuban and Jennifer Palilonis of Ball State, so I have awesome mentors.
More to come, including a rundown of how Ball State's Unified Media Design Studio functioned this year ... and what the UMDS is.
It's been a crazy two weeks.
I've been participating in a class at Ball State called "BSU at the Games." In it, more than 40 students act as a media group creating content for the Olympics.
Most participants went to Sochi, but seven of us voyaged to the land that I love, Chicago, to make graphics for the Tribune.
We are primarily visual journalism students, though some of us are in advertising.
It's been one heck of an experience.
Though I am returning to the Tribune, this is several students' first time in a newsroom environment.
And it has gone ... smoothly. To date, we have had 17 pieces published, including two full page graphics. (See one here.) We have at least four more we are working on.
Students are learning the true meaning of the word "deadline," as well as how to produce high-quality graphics with a lot of time and with no time at all. This in addition to making professional, published clips they can show future employers.
A few have been able to reach out, network and talk about internships and job openings at different locations.
It's been a lot of blood, sweat, tears of laughter, tears of sorrow. Sometimes, it's been a lot of alcohol consumed late on weekends.
But the real question is, what does a program like this show other student journalists?
What we are doing is unique in that student journalists are having work about the Olympics published through NBC, the Chicago Tribune and elsewhere.
But the idea of student journalists contributing content about specialized topics for larger media organizations should not be so uncommon, nor does it need to be so decentralized.
For specific events, content consumers can simply not get enough. Their hunger is insatiable. Student media groups can help "feed the beast."
Thus, I believe it reasonable that journalism schools create their own media groups.
These groups do not have to specialize in specific events, such as the Olympics. Rather, whenever something big happens, schools can jump on the opportunity to create content to offer to professional organizations.
These events could include election coverage, football bowl games and local politics to name a few.
Journalism programs that engage in this sort of program can build a name and relationship with news organizations. Their students will do the same.
Ideally, a successful media group will be able to funnel interns or potential employees to news organizations as necessary.
But student journalists do not have to rely on their schools to build this sort of relationship.
It is possible a student news organization, for instance, Ball State's Unified Media, could begin offering content to professional organizations independently.
If this is the case, it is possible the student group could begin generating an alternative form of revenue, charging professional organizations nominal fee for the content they offer.
(Or maybe not, depending on student groups' pay systems or lack thereof.)
Free or cheap content, plain and simple. Professional organizations that agree to cultivate this sort of relationship are able to supplement their existing coverage with even more, boosting web traffic to websites and feeding the starving beast that is an internet audience.
Furthermore, these programs allow professional groups to groom students to a point where they are hirable immediately after – or even before – graduation.
So, that's food for thought.
For me, the experience at the Chicago Tribune has offered me the chance to revisit relationships in the newsroom and assert myself as someone who can lead and organize.
I was a primary contact between Jonathon Berlin and the Ball State graphics crew in the month leading up to the Olympics.
I was able to play around with a lot of data, too, and though not all of my research led to something publishable, I had a fun time collecting it.
• Ball State just opened its Unified Media Lab. It's beautiful. Expect a full write-up on it soon, and possibly a link to a website I may be commissioned to design.
• I've launched the Unified Media Design Studio system with help of a talented, dedicated crew of student designers at Ball State. It's an environment where a single student may design for print, tablet or web and across four publications in a single week. More on that later, with the official launch of its website.
And that's all, folks! More soon.
On the SND website. I wrote a post about my experience coding my website from scratch.
Here's a bit of it:
Don’t come to me with your questions about coding. I’m not your guy. My knowledge is limited.
But, my limited knowledge is what I hope makes this blog valuable.
Last month, I sat down and began building a website. I had never coded a website before, but in one weekend, I began abandoning the controlled design environments of Wix or SquareSpace and became exposed to the chaos and freedom of coding.
Check out the full post here.
And click here to check out my website.
Expect another update soon.
Jeff Goertzen is director of Education and Training for Society for News Design and senior artist/consultant with the Orange County Register (USA)
So again, I've been meaning to write for a while.
Unfortunately, whenever I have the time to do so, I typically fall asleep.
But before I pass out tonight, let me share a few bullet points with you about life at the Ball State Daily News.
• The Daily News ditched its domain name ( to be a part of Ball State's College of Communication, Information and Media's new initiative, Unified Media. Unified Media consolidates all student medias, so all staff members work for The Daily (the new entity) while putting out their respective products.
• The website ( has a lot of kinks to work out. I'm currently assisting in solving those problems. I'm also working as an iDesk editor with several other staffers.
• One of the website's kinks is its inability to support Flash. We're working on getting that resolved. It emphasizes, though, how badly I and my staff need to pick up coding.
• The design editor and I have planned a "The Science of ..." series, explaining how different things affect the human body. The first to run will be "The science of getting drunk." We have a "high" version for 4/20 and caffeine version for midterms. For Valentine's Day, we'll have a "falling in love" one.
• I'm presently working with my editors to devise a social media strategy that we can integrate with The Daily. I'll keep you posted on that.
All this while taking classes.
More later.