We’ve been wanting to show where all the flooding is happening. Hard data, though, has been extremely difficult to come by. Therefore, we went to Plan B: We picked out 14 incidents and locations around the area and plotted them on a map. I wrote about a third of these. Todd Ackerman, our medical reporter, was kind enough to give me a hand and wrote the other two-thirds. Ken Ellis drew the base map. I still had some room to fill, so I used some of the by-the-numbers info that our transportation write, Dug Begley, had been compiling. This was aimed for Sunday, but space tightened up considerably. I wasn’t cool with waiting until Monday to run this, so we cleared off Saturday’s A2 and ran it there. This one — along with my other duties - made for a 15-hour day. Proud of the work. But man, I’m getting exhausted. Hopefully, I can carve out a day off soon.

Sept. 2, 2017

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